Emergency Phone Number
If you have an emergency for water, gas or sewer please call: 913-757-2314

Please take a moment to complete our lead and copper survey!
The United States Environmental Protection Agency, in conjunction with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, is requiring all Public Water Supply systems to conduct a Lead Service Line Inventory of both the public and privately owned water services within our jurisdiction. We would like to stress to you that the City of La Cygne currently, and in the past, has had no lead issues within our water supply system. We are conducting this survey in an effort to obtain information about the privately owned (customer side) service lines within the system. Please fill out this survey to the best of your knowledge. This information is crucial for us to complete our system’s material evaluation. We greatly appreciate the members of our community that take time to participate in this important study. If you have questions please contact City Hall during business hours, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., at (913)757-2144.