The City of La Cygne is working on a series of city-wide improvement projects: the water project (completed in 2019), the sewer project (ongoing), the stormwater master plan, and the street project (not yet started). As the sewer system is undergoing updates the City is also looking at how stormwater runoff has changed in town due to decrease of grassed areas/increase of concreted areas, culverts or pipes moved around on properties, etc. We need YOUR help to pinpoint where flooding/ponding issues are around town and how rainfall impacts your property. This information will be sent to our contracting firm who will create a stormwater master plan to redirect runoff in town.

Please fill out the survey below to help us move forward with creating a stormwater master plan and preventing flooding issues in La Cygne!

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Your Information
Please answer the following questions by selecting the item most accurate with your property or writing in the provided blank space when asked to elaborate.